
Schysst Jul 4-5 december. Nu tillbaks!

Event Efter ett års uppehåll är SAK Stockholm nu tillbaks på årets schysstaste julmarknad, med saffran, böcker, infomaterial och annat smått och gott. Mer info kommer. PLATS: ABF-huset, entréplan. Sveavägen 41 i Stockholm TID: 10-16. 

Does the surrounding World contribute to System-Collapse in Afghanistan? UF Göteborg

Event Does the surrounding World contribute to System-Collapse in Afghanistan?
Secretary General of SCA, The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, Andreas Stefansson, will hold a lecture on the 22nd of November on the topic of how the refusal of refugees to Afghanistan is likely to affect the already unstable social conditions in the country, which is one of the poorest and most dangerous countries in the world.