Home / Tender / Procurement of Notebooks
Procurement of Notebooks
The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) is a non-profit, non-governmental humanitarian organization working to assist in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. SCA’s interventions inside Afghanistan began in 1982. Today SCA runs four major development programs within Disability, Education, Health, and Rural Development and is one of the largest NGOs in the country. SCA is honored to announce […]
Procurement of Stationery
The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) is a non-profit, non-governmental humanitarian organization working to assist in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. SCA’s interventions inside Afghanistan began in 1982. Today SCA runs four major development programs within Disability, Education, Health, and Rural Development and is one of the largest NGOs in the country. SCA is honored to announce […]
Procurement of Meat, Fish, Chicken, Vegetables and Grocery Items
The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) is a non-profit, non-governmental humanitarian organization working to assist in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. SCA’s interventions inside Afghanistan began in 1982. Today SCA runs four major development programs within Disability, Education, Health, and Rural Development and is one of the largest NGOs in the country. SCA is honored to announce […]
Medical equipment for Wardak Hospitals
SCA intends to receive offers for the Medical equipment for Wardak Hospitals, companies who are eager to participate in this tendering, for further information review the attached announcement.
Medicine for Corvid 19 Hospitals
Medicine for Corvid 19 Hospitals SCA intends to receive offers for the Medicine for Corvid 19 Hospitals , companies who are eager to participate in this tendering, for further information review the attached announcement.
Procurement of internet services for Kabul, Jalalabad, Wardak and Kunduz offices
Procurement of Internet services Kabul, Jalalabad, Wardak and Kunduz offices The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) is a non-profit, non governmental humanitarian organization working to assist in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. SCA’s interventions inside Afghanistan began in 1982. Today SCA runs four major development program within Disability, Education, Health and Rural Development and is one of the […]
Procurement of Medicine, Medical Supplies and Lab Reagents
The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) is a non-profit, non governmental humanitarian organization working to assist in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. SCA’s interventions inside Afghanistan began in 1982. Today SCA runs four major development program within Disability, Education, Health and Rural Development and is one of the largest NGOs in the country. SCA is honored to […]