Development of an EdTech Software Application and Website
The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) is a non-profit, non-governmental humanitarian organization working to assist in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. SCA’s interventions inside Afghanistan began in 1982. Today SCA runs four major development programs within Disability, Education, Health, and Rural Development and is one of the largest NGOs in the country.
The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, Kabul Management Office (hereinafter called “the SCA”) invites you to submit your technical and financial proposal for Development of an EdTech Software Application and website (including training to project staffs on utilization) (hereinafter called “the Service”) as specified in the Request for Proposal and attachments hereto (hereinafter called “the RFP Documents”).
Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, Jalalabad Main Road, Paktia Kot, PO Box 27027, Kabul Afghanistan
Email for online submissions: [email protected]
Please consider the company requirement and evaluation criteria very strictly before submitting an offer. All interested and qualified companies are requested to read the RFP, follow the instruction, and submit complete offers. Failure to submit the required company documents may result in the disqualification of an offer.
Kindly quote the RFP# (Re-advertisement KMO- RFP – 2021 – 17) in the subject line of your email.